Here are some blog posts that we hope will make you feel a part of things, and help you understand how to pray better for us and Japan. Please see our external blog in Blogger, if this page does not display correctly.
Reverse Culture Shock?
November 5, 2007 06:08
| America, Culture, Humor
| Permalink
Some lists during our Stateside stay:Pleasant surprises:* Being able to get out of either side when parked* Understanding 100% of a radio or TV program* Grass (lots of it, in front of almost every house!)* Trees (with beautiful colored leaves to boot)* Banana cream pie* Clothing sizes that fit* Parking in front of a store, instead of on topOddities:* Self-checkout at the grocery store (when did that
Back "Home" Again
October 22, 2007 11:56
| Family, Personal
| Permalink
We've arrived back in Indiana safe and sound for a couple weeks of needed break from ministry in Japan. Kaori was able to get a stamp in her visa that maintains her permanent residence in the States. We also learned that missionaries may be exempt from needing to return every two years to make this happen. Hmmm. We'll have to research that one a little more. No matter, we are grateful for the time
Everything is Possible with God!
October 8, 2007 10:16
| Ministry, People
| Permalink
“That house is a lost cause!” I thought, and hesitated in putting a church flyer in its mailbox. The home was literally in the shadow of a powerful Buddhist temple next door. Who could have known that a couple weeks later a woman would walk into our worship service and say, “I'd been thinking about Christianity when I received a flyer from this church.” Yes, as we'd later find out, she lived
How Not to Iron Your Clothes
October 6, 2007 06:46
| Culture, Devotional, Japan
| Permalink
No, this is not a new way to press your clothes, it is a daily reality for those who commute into Tokyo from our neighborhood station. We're sometimes asked by you, "Are the Tokyo trains as bad as we hear?" If you have a Japanese definition of personal space, then no they are not so bad. But for most Americans who are used to a wider circle of empty space about them, it is pretty hard to adjust to
Only in Japan
September 26, 2007 11:45
| Culture, Japan
| Permalink
Here's a photo of something you're likely to only find in Japan (okay, perhaps also in another East Asian country). What do you suppose it could be? Hint: it was taken at the doorway of our mission's recent 60th Anniversary where several hundred attended. Look closely before clicking to enlarge. If you still can't figure it out, post a comment.
"Mission Impossible" Meeting
Tonight was a great church planting meeting with fellow national pastors. Seven churches in our area have a vision for starting another church. As it is never too early to think about our next church planting work, I also participated. I was encouraged to hear honest fears overwhelmed by strong faith that "God can do this thing through us if we trust Him." There are many who are overwhelmed by the
Guess Who Came to Church on Sunday?
September 18, 2007 07:05
| Church, Ministry, Missions
| Permalink
We celebrated our 60th anniversary as a mission this past weekend! The first church planted by our mission (then CBFMS) was in Jumonji, Japan in 1947, shortly after WWII. Since then 85 churches have been started across northern Japan, the Tokyo area, and Kyushu totaling about 3500 believers. As part of the 60th anniversary celebration, Hans Finzel, president of of our mission, WorldVenture, came to
Hey Youth! Let's Go Camping!
September 9, 2007 10:08
| Church, Ministry, Youth
| Permalink
We've just finished our 3-day Youth camp at Lake Yamanako. We had 4 college kids attend...and one big kid (yours truly). The first day I had some serious doubts as to how this experience was going to work out. You see, a major typhoon had its sights right on Tokyo. We drove the 100kilometers or so to the campground in what would have to be the worst weather conditions I have driven in. Sheets of rain